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Baby "A" & "B" Gift for Twins

Baby "A" & "B" Gift for Twins

Baby "A" & "B" Gift for Twins
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Price: $52.00
Sale Price: $45.00
YOU SAVE 13% ($7.00)
This Baby "A" & "B" Gift for Twins is the smartest way to welcome twin babies into the world! This gift set consists of two soft baby blankets, a stuffed bear, and a convenient box for storage. Although it seems simple, there is a very subtle trick in this product that parents of twin babies will love: while both blankets are embroidered with "baby", the A is capitalized in the first blanket and the B is capitalized in the second, helping parents and family keep track of which twin is which! The babies will love these comfortable blankets and their adorable stuffed bear friend, and the parents will love avoiding confusion! The blankets and bear come presented in the decorative storage box, and the whole thing comes wrapped in tulle gift wrap, making it a perfect gift for baby showers.

Shipping (Processing Time + Transit Time):Processing time is approximately 3-5 business days to leave the warehouse plus transit time.

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