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Engagement Gifts

Engagement Gifts

Personalized Romantic Gifts
Wedding Gift Baskets
Picnic Baskets for Two & Wine Baskets
Recipe for a Happy Marriage Gift Frame
Price: $86.95
Sale Price: $74.95
Personalized Popcorn Bowls
Personalized Ice Cream Bowls
Personalized Glassware and Barware Accessories
These Engagement Gifts are just what you're looking for. There are so many places to get wedding gifts, but few vendors offer such a great selection of gifts for the engaged couple. And face it: it's time to start the festivities. He popped the question, she's got a ring, they set the date... now comes all the fun! Celebrate the achievement of your favorite couple with an engagement gift that shows how much you care. First things first, treat them to one of our wedding planner books, which help set up the whole affair, from cocktail hour to thank-you notes. This way they'll be prepared for anything that comes along. We also have bachelorette party games, bridal shower accessories, and lots more. If they've got this under control, here's another engagement gift idea: choose something for their home. Soon-to-be newlyweds will love receiving a personalized kitchen gift that makes their shared space and activities even more personal. For example, choose a set of personalized ice cream bowls that lets everyone know what a sweet pair they are. Or, appeal to the couple's sappy, sentimental side and choose one of our personalized romantic gifts that uses their names and sometimes their images to commemorate their bond(a romantic game has the same effect, though more R-rated!). Another engagement gift idea is the 10 Year Diary, which lets them plan a far way into the future. After all, engagement is just the beginning of a long journey: marriage! Start browsing our selection of engagement party gifts and be sure to choose the right Engagement Gift for the almost-married couple in your life.

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