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Super Mom! Personalized Book

Super Mom! Personalized Book

Super Mom! Personalized Book
Super Mom! Personalized BookSuper Mom! Personalized BookSuper Mom! Personalized BookSuper Mom! Personalized Book
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Sku: ISEE-BK725
Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $25.95
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Mom's First Name:
Preferred Pronoun For Mom:
Skin Tone:
Hair Color:
Mom's Hair Options:
Facial Hair:
Dedication Message On First Page:
Sender (e.g. Mom and Dad):
Year Given:

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Make mom feel special with her own personalized book celebrating her super powers! This humorous, personalized book for mom can include her name or nickname (mom, mama, etc.), photo, skin tone, hair color (including bald or hijab), and the option to wear glasses if she's a bespectacled super mom. If mom's name or nickname is not provided, the story will default to “mom.” Honor a clever, creative, multi-tasking mom with a uniquely personalized gift she can enjoy all year! If mom prefers a gender-neutral pronoun to describe themself, you can select “they/them” as the pronouns for mom when ordering rather than “she/her.” Everyone knows moms have super-vision for finding things and super-strength for carrying copious amounts of stuff. Moms are called on to be builders, bakers, doctors, and duct-tapers! Moms can do anything! She brightens our days and wraps us in love. Surprise mom with a fun and heartwarming gift she will treasure for years to come! It's a perfect Mother's Day book or birthday gift to show your love and appreciation. You can also celebrate all kinds of occasions and accomplishments: a new mom, an adoptive mom, a super mom fighting cancer or a cancer-free mom.


  • Written by Jennifer Fox
  • Illustrated by Sarah Gramelspacher
  • All ages
  • 8.5 x 8.5 inches; 20 pages
  • Printed in the USA

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